Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A More Perfect Union

Two of the basic problems that Americans agree on, regardless of ideology, are voter turnout, and lack of parties, third, fourth and more...  in some ways these problems are interconnected... and would you believe that I have already found the answer??? (And it's pretty simple)

First, eliminate the electoral college, and make the president elected by direct vote.  Contrary to the right wing fears, this would Not make the president get elected by a few big cities(since most of them are very diverse,politically...) What it WOULD do is put EVERY vote into play...

Aren't you tired of seeing presidential campaigns spend their time and money on"battleground" states, and ignoring "safe" ones???  With direct elections, EVERY vote counts...the whole country would be the "battleground"... every person would be valuable,in and of themselves...

Think about it...how many "R"s stay home on election day in "blue" states?   Likewise "D"s in safe "red" states?   If every vote and person mattered in the election... the100k conservatives in NYC(or more)... the100k libs in Dallas...

Now that "fix" solves the turnout problem... how about the third party question.... well, runoff voting... instead of voting for A or B, we vote in preference order... for instance, in the 2004 election, my FIRST pick was Gen. Wes Clark..(imo the best choice @the time... mil experience, terrorism experience, and a proven track record of taking care of the troops...) then perhaps Bernie Sanders, or Ron Paul ...THEN kerry...and only as the last possible choice was "W"...the shrub...

Runoff elections , regardless of the threshold that a candidate has to reach, are the perfect method of giving outside candidates a chance...  of course there would have to be a "ballot access" provision.... perhaps if they can get on 20 states ballot then they are automatically on the ballot in all 50states...30 states initially would also be acceptable...

These simple changes could help save our country and democracy... at least I imagine so... what do you think????

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